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RIA Rough Draft
The purpose of my campaign is to bring awareness to how drug addiction affects family and friends not just the addict, along with the...

Teens vs Tobacco: A Rhetorical Analysis on "The Real Cost" Campaign (RIA rough draft)
In America today, about 443,000 people die each year from the cause of smoking, about 50,000 more people die from secondhand smoking....

The dispute on smoking bans: which side is right? (Revised CPAA)
As we all know, my cultural problem I have been researching is on smoking bans. But as I have continued to research this problem I have...

CPAA Revision
My cultural problem is how drug addiction is dealt with. What brought me to this topic was watching a loved one overdose and take their...

Smoking Bans in the Parks and Streets of New York (Blog Post #3)
There are a good amount of states within the US that have enforced the smoking bans, but one state in particular that may or may not have...
Modern Day Slavery (Rough CPAA Outline)
[Title] -{Intro} (Attention Grabber Ideas) What if one of your loved ones was suddenly taken from their home without a trace. What if...

Who Can Relate?: A Rhetorical Perspective on LGBT Bullying (Final)
“Gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth are 4 times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual counterparts.” LGBT bullying in...

Logical Late-Term Abortions (Final CPAA)
Abortion was legalized in 1973 after the Roe vs. Wade case and ever since, millions of babies have been aborted in the United States...

My cultural problem is drug addiction. I am analyzing how drug addiction is dealt with. What brought me to this topic was watching a...

The bigger picture on smoking bans (CPAA)
As we all know, my cultural problem I have been researching is on smoking bans. But as I have continued to research this problem I have...
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