Late-Term Laws RIA

Abortion was legalized in 1973 after the Roe vs. Wade case and ever since, millions of babies have been aborted in the United States alone. Many states have laws and regulations to prevent certain types of abortions that can be considered inhumane, but these laws aren’t very effective and are broken way too often. We have these laws to protect the life of the mother and the child she is carrying so why is there a way to just ignore the laws and do whatever you want?
The purpose of this campaign is to raise awareness on a serious issue that not many people know or care about. The organization I am doing this campaign for is National Right to Life, aiming at pro-life individuals that are unaware of what is going on in our government. This organization also takes a big part in political campaigns, supporting anyone who agrees with their pro-life agenda. I hope to reach these people because they are the ones that will actually make a difference and do something about the problem. They are the most likely to care about the information in the first place. I presume that my audience is already opposed to any type of abortion because I am aiming to reach pro-life people. Because they are already opposed to abortion, I will just be informing them about another problem that they are already against, but they don't hear about it enough. I would like to change the assumption that just because there are laws preventing late-term abortions, doesn’t mean that they don’t happen.
The information and opinions about this cultural problem are quite divided. There are people for all abortion and against all abortion. There are also people who share beliefs with both sides and believes there should be compromise. Either way the information available to us is almost all biased and opinion. Most websites that have articles about late-term abortions and the laws will say one thing, then you can go to another site and read the opposite. The only thing that you can trust are the websites that give you facts.
For my campaign I will be making a poster and send it to National Right to Life in hopes of them using it on social medias. More specifically I hope they will be posting it on FaceBook because that is where older people, parents, and younger adults all together like to get their news and information from. I would choose this social media over others because it has people from all age groups so it will reach a bigger demographic. I want to do a poster because people seem to respond better with pictures and will stop and look at them while scrolling through their feed. I have to make it eye popping so it grabs the attention of the viewer. National Right to Life makes a lot of political ads that persuade voters to pick the pro-life candidate so I’m going to try to relate it to that.
To circulate the poster I am making, I will post it onto FaceBook myself and also suggest to my organization of choice that they post it as well. I will also be contacting the National Right to Life FaceBook page to encourage them to post and circulate the ad. Giving the poster to a larger group like the Right to Life people will increase the views it gets and will reach more people in my target audience. I believe people today are more likely to see something on FaceBook rather than see an ad in real life due to the fact that so many more people are going on the internet all day every day.
We have laws to protect us and protect the rights of all US citizens. Our laws shouldn’t be so easy to get around because they are there for a reason. Doing this campaign, hopefully with the help of National Right to Life, will inform a large group of people about the problems that we have. As I work on my poster project I plan to research more and hopefully create something that a large group of people can look at and think about.