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What is Normal? (Revised)

A study conducted in 2008 showed a positive relation between violent behavior and violence in the media. The online survey consisted of 1588 youths between the ages of 10-15 years. The majority reported of being exposed to violence online and then consequently exhibited violent behavior later on. As a result, this violent behavior is being carried into schools across the nation. Everyday another case of bullying emerges and another child's confidence is diminished. For this paper, I will be exploring why so many kids turn to violence and what effects these actions have on their victims.

I found an article from which discusses the effects of violent media on children at an early age. It's targeted audience is parents of young kids because it informs the reader on how to prevent violent behavior and of what this behavior could lead to. Additionally, it addressed the negative effects that this sort of violence can have on kids like lack of confidence and self-worth as well as their ability to live a mentally healthy life. This article made me think about how the media can change a child's perception of the world in a negative way. For example, a teen might feel neglected or unaccepted at school and may use anger and aggression to gain attention. S/he might react this way because they had remembered this from a movie as a child and thought that this is the best way for their peers to notice him/her. Kids absorb so much information on how to act that they tend to use these methods without thinking; they become first instinct.

My goal with this paper is to dive deeper into why violence is so prevalent in schools today, specifically between the years of 2008 and 2017. Arguments for less exposure to violent video games tend to appeal to peoples morals on killing and just fighting in general. Another argument is that the movies and television shows that kids watch effect their behavior; this argument is portrayed through facts and statistics on recent poles taken by youth. Additionally, offensive music from the last couple decades is depicted as having a negative affect on Millennials' behavior through statistics and facts. These arguments are also shown through many articles written by angry parents who try to appeal to their readers emotions and relate to other parents.

With bullying on the rise, it is important to figure out why teens are continuing to act this way, even when there are so many helpful programs out there for them. If we are able to lessen the amount of violent content teens are exposed to, then we are one step closer to lessening the amount of violence in their lives and may potentially save a life in the process.

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