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Human Rights Abuses In Your Backyard (Draft)

Human rights abuses is a titanic problem that occurs across the entire planet. Contrary to popular belief human rights are being violated and abused not only in the middle east but in most if not all countries in the world. This issue is not only things like human trafficking or slavery there are many acts that are considered a violation of human rights. This issue is often spoken about in hushed tones and behind closed doors, but it should be shouted to the world people should be made aware of where it is happening. They should be told how to spot it, who they should tell, and how to stop it. You may think that “It can’t happen here” or “ I live in a safe neighborhood” but it does not matter where you live this atrocity can be committed anywhere and by anyone.

Human rights violations are a very large problem all over the world. It is a problem that most people refuse to acknowledge because “we live in a civilized age there is no more slavery” but in reality the truth is the exact opposite. Human rights are the rights that every living human has no matter their race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, political alignment, or any other status that you can think of. When human rights are thought of most think of human trafficking or slavery or maybe even the sex trade, but there are a multitude of way human rights can be violated. Things such as domestic abuse or denying a person a place to live based on their status. There are lots of way that human rights can be abused or completely taken away from a person. People who are kept from certain guarantees of life because of any of their characteristics are having their rights as a person violated or people who are kept from having a happy life because of who they love are having their rights violated, these are some of the many common problems that are not recognized as human rights violations.

A good way of learning of these problems is via the United Nations website. They have a basic overview of some of the biggest issues of human rights violations. They also have an overview of the basics of what human rights are and why every person on earth regardless of their status have these rights from the second they gain consciousness over their own body. It also has a in depth history of how the Human Rights Council and the Human Rights Convention were formed and for what reason they were formed. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is also featured on this website, they give a history and reason for the creation of this document. The United Nations is one of the best places to learn about world issues and sometimes how to help combat those issues.

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