LGBT Justice in Schools

The amount of bullying in schools has spiked in recent years. Specifically the bullying of LGBT children. This problem is worth attention because these kids deserve to be accepted instead of harassed for doing something brave-coming out. My audience should care because these kids are just like every other kid in school. They go to learn and make friends, not listen to name-calling and be used as a punching bag. And I care because I am a decent person. I believe that all people are the same regardless of their race, gender, or sexual orientation. We all bleed the same color.
I found an article entitled “‘Like Walking Through A Hailstorm’ Discrimination Against LGBT Youth in US Schools.” It was written by the Ryan Thoreson and the audience is school administration in the United States as well as the general public to inform them on these unfair laws. Thoreson is a researcher in the LGBT Rights Program. He also holds a law degree from Yale Law School, a Doctorate in Anthropology from Oxford, and a bachelor’s degree in government and studies of women, gender, and sexuality from Harvard University.
In this article, Thoreson discusses the unjust laws in several states which prohibit both teachers and students from discussing homosexuality in any school environment. This was originally a law only for health and sex-ed, but was so vague that it covers every aspect of learning. There were also many statements from LGBT teens who talk about how difficult school life has become and how often they are bullied into silence by not only their peers, but also the government.