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Selling Humans

Why should you care about human trafficking? How does it affect your community? Human trafficking is a massive problem all across the United States. It occurs in every state in America and the world. You may not see it in your everyday life but those occasional missing persons cases that are in the 5 o’clock news could very well be an instance of kidnapping a person with the intent of selling them to the highest bidder. This problem may not hold a place in every person's life but it should. This evil act of taking and selling a human being can happen to anyone at anytime.

The people of the world tend to disregard this problem as a problem only occurring in third world countries. The truth is that it happens everywhere in the world and the people of the world should care because it could happen in their countries, in their states, and in their cities. They should care because it can happen to them, their family, or their friends. This is a problem due to ignorance and denial of its existence.

There are plenty of resources on the internet that can inform a person of what human trafficking is, why it happens, and how to help lower a the risk of it happening to a person. One such article is just simply called Human Trafficking it is from the National Human Trafficking Hotline. ( This article is meant for all people regardless of age, race, or gender. It is meant to help people to discover what is happening and how it is happening. This website is operated by Polaris which is is a leader in the global fight to eradicate modern slavery. Polaris systematically disrupts the human trafficking networks that rob human beings of their lives and their freedom. This website is one of the first results if you look into human trafficking. There are many more that explore the issue of human trafficking.

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