Why Should You Care? (Blog Post #2)
Drug addiction and the signs of it are important and people should care about them because anyone could be addicted to drugs and anyone could be very close to an overdose. After watching a loved one literally fight for their life after an overdose, I have a strong desire to bring awareness to the cultural problem of drug addiction. I found an article titled "Why We Should Treat, Not Shame Addicts Struggling To Get 'Clean' " by Ellen Rolfes. This article is trustworthy because it's posted by PBS which my local college has a station through. The purpose of the article is to give people insight on the myths and truths that surround drug addiction. The main idea is that a lot of people believe the negative stereotypes about drugs. The author states that it is a myth that only bad kids do drugs because in reality 80% of children at least try drugs and if we are aware of the warning signs then we can help them stop before it ends in an overdose. Another idea that is stated in the article is that drug addiction cannot be avoided and this is also a myth because if we focused more on why kids use instead of making it out to be a crime not as many kids would use. Ellen continues to go on telling us why it is important to care about drug addiction, because you need to know the signs and you need to know before you have to face it with a family member, not after your family member is struggling with it because then it is almost always too late, don't learn the hard way like I did.