Modern Day Slavery (Revised)

Human trafficking. Sex trade. Modern slavery. All of these are awful things that happen in our modern society. The most common is human trafficking, it is one of the most common forms human rights abuses and the least mentioned when human rights are spoken about. It is never thought of as a prominent problem or even one that applies to the public's lives. The truth is however, it happens everywhere and it happens every day. Most people will dismiss it with a “my neighborhood is safe” or “that only happens in other countries.” It is very easy to say that but it is just as easy for a person to take another person that may be a loved one or a friend with the intention of selling them for profit.
Although slavery is thought of as a thing of the past but the truth is human traffickers make billions of dollars of profit from selling people that they have trapped using violence, threats, deception, debt, and other manipulative tactics. They then force those people to engage in commercial sex or forced labor. A little more than half of the humans that are taken with the intention of selling are females and roughly a quarter of all the victims are children. Each year there are more cases of human trafficking reported than the last. The most recent estimate from the International Labor Organization was about 20.9 million people are trapped by human trafficking.
Considering the previous statements and the numbers given, human trafficking is a much larger problem than most people of Earth care to know or even entertain the idea that it still exists. This problem requires the attention of every person on Earth. Some think that it does not affect them but as a reminder, no matter how secure you think you are chaos and evil is always attracted to order and the arrogant. This problem can only be addressed when the public can acknowledge that it exists in the first place.